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シンガポール ナンヤンポリテクニックから短期留学生を受け入れました

また、学内の国際交流活動であるInternational CaféやICPの活動にも参加し、両校の学生にとって多種多様な文化に触れ国際意識を向上させるとても良い機会になりました。


Timothy Munさん (Robotics & Mechatronics)

Belonging to Nanyang Polytechnic, my lab partner (Aaron Loh) and I were tasked with Dr. Kuchii to create a digital twin of NITKIT’s manufacturing center and Dobot Magician into VR with Unity Engine. Working on this project requires me to adopt my 3DCAD modelling skills creatively into assembling a model for the robotic arm. Although having no prior experience in coding with Unity Engine proved to be a challenging aspect, we have learned to overcome it through teamwork. This learning experience has taught me to develop my independent learning, and problem-solving skills which I believe are crucial in today’s engineering field.

Study abroad at Kitakyushu Kosen has been a wonderful & insightful experience into Japanese culture and society. I also had the chance to participate in after school activities within the school’s kendo club. We also explored parts of Kyushu & Kokura on the weekends. I did not regret taking this exchange and I am deeply grateful for the support I have received from my peers and professors whom had organised this exchange. If you are coming on a similar exchange path, I hope you may enjoy the moment & company of those around you to the fullest!

ナンヤン・ポリテクニックでの研究室のパートナーであるアーロンと私は、久池井先生の指導のもと、NITKITの製造センターとDobotMagicianのデジタルツインをUnity Engineを使ってVR化する課題に取り組みました。このプロジェクトを進める中で、私は3D CADモデリングのスキルを創造的に活用し、ロボットアームのモデルを組み立てることが要求されました。Unity Engineでのコーディング経験がなかったため、はじめはかなりの難題だと感じましたが、チームワークで克服することができました。この経験を通して、私は自主的な学習力と問題解決能力を身につけることができ、これらのスキルは現代の工学分野において非常に重要であると考えています。


Aaron Lohさん (Engineering & Business)

Tasked by Pro. Kuchii, was same as Timothy. Joining this project, allowed me to learn more coding and its integration into Virtual Reality. Despite my background in mostly business, this project is a testament to my belief in the field of engineering and being challenging enough to provide me with the necessary training to improve my engineering skills like critical thinking and problem-solving.

Experiences here have been an absolutely wonderful, from the people I have met to the friends I have made. Participating in after-school activities, and interacting with the other Japanese students have opened up my views and perspectives of a part of Japan not often seen by others. Discovering parts of Japan that are off the beaten trail, to experiencing true independence of my own as I travel alone in the countryside of Japan was a truly eye-opening experience.

I am grateful to the foreign students whom we have spent most of our time with after school for bringing a slice of their culture to Japan, making me feel less homesick, spending time on the weekends exploring Kokura and even different parts of Kyushu. Most importantly the friendly staff and students of NIT Kitakyushu, you have welcomed me with open arms and smiles on your faces, thank you for making me feel less like an outsider and more like a part of your community




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